Saturday, June 5, 2021

Unit 5 exam

Hello boys and girls and families!

La setmana que ve entre el dimarts  8 i el dijous 10 de juny tindrem una prova per  veure el que heu après de la unitat 5.

Aquí vos record el que heu d'estudiar:

1. Vocabulari relacionat amb A bithday party: birthday cads, presents, candles and food. Pàgines 50-51

2. Vocabulari of the story A stone soup Pàgines 54-55

3. Preguntes i respostes:

-Have you got a pot?  -Yes,I have.  /  -No, I haven't.

4. Frases sobre  el que li agrada o no a un altre:

He likes onions. He doesn't like mushrooms.

She likes bananas. She doesn't like oranges.

Here you are a photo of a page from the Activity Book to practise:



  1. Replies
    1. I am sorry but I don't know who you are because there is no name!

  2. Thank you very much teacher Aína. I have enjoy a lot with you. Have a nice summer. I'll see you next september. Best wishes. Julián, 2n C.

  3. Hello Julian!
    I am very happy that you have written a message so nice and in English!! Thank you very much and have a fantastic summer.
    A big hug from Teacher Aina
