Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Unit 2: How are families different?

Some families are BIG, some families are SMALL.

Can you say how is your family?
Pots dir com és la teva família?
Hint: I've got... 
(Pista: Jo tenc...)

Here you are a screenshot of the unit 2 of the book that we have study before the holidays.

Baby shark


Some years ago everybody was singing this song and it is good to learn some of the family words:


We have studied them at school and also:


We Wish You A Merry Christmas | Super Simple Songs

Hello boys and girls, daddies and mummies, grandpas and grandmas!
I want to wish you happy holidays and an excellent New Year 2024!


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Unit 1 What is in your classroom?

 Hello students and families!

We are finishing unit 1. In this unit we study CLASSROOM OBJECTS and where they are using IN (dins), ON (damunt), UNDER (davall).

List of classroom objects

1. pen (bolígraf)

2. rubber (goma d'esborrar)

3. pencil case (estoig)

4. sharpener (maquineta fer punta) (ordinador)

6. pencil (llapís)

7. crayon (pintureta cera)

8. ruler (regla)

CUPBOARD -armari
DESK -pupitre
SHELF - prestatge
BIN -paperera

Monday, October 9, 2023

Starter Unit

 In the starter unit we did a review of some basic vocabulary: colours, numbers 1 to 10, days of the week, 'What's the weather like?'

Here you are some videos to study all these words.



Days of the week


Welcome to the school year 2023-24

Hello parents, brothers and sisters and students!
A month has already passed since we started this school year so it is time to continue with this blog so you can use it to study English at home. It is a help for you so you know what we are doing in the classroom and you can revise it.

Hola pares, mares, germans i germanes i estudiants!
Ja ha passat un mes des que començarem aquest curs escolar així que és hora de continuar amb aquest blog de manera que el pogueu usar per a estudiar a casa. És una ajuda per a vosaltres per a què sapigueu què estam fent a classe i pogueu repassar-ho.

    This is the book we use at school

Monday, May 1, 2023

Video He has got She has got

 Here you are a video to practise the questions and answers: 

-Has he got...? 

-Yes, he has. /- No, he hasn't.

-Has she got...?

-Yes,she has. /-No, she hasn't.

(You don't need to learn all the words, pay attention to the questions and answers.)

Video "What does she look like?"

Friday, April 28, 2023

Unit 4: How do we look different?


Continuam estudiant vocabulari relacionat amb el "look" de les persones,és a dir, l'apariència, allò que se veu "when we look at them".

Vocabulary from pages 40, 41:



Long hair

Short hair

Curly hair

Straight hair

Fair hair

Dark hair

From page 45:






Per a la setmana que ve tenen una fitxa i han de fer la pàgina del vocabulari i estudiar-la.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

WORDSEARCH (sopa de lletres)

 Here you are a wordsearch about CLOTHES

It is a little difficult so you may need a little of help.

The words are in all directions.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Song: Put on your shoes

Here you  are a funny video about clothes. Put on significa Posa't.


Unit 3: Why do we wear clothes?

 Unit 3: Why do we wear clothes?

Hello children and families!
Sorry for not having posted  something for so long.

Now we are learning some clothes and a question and how to answer.
 Here you are a list of the vocabulary :

A dress un vestit
A t-shirt una camiseta
A skirt una falda 
A sweater/jumper un jersei
A jacket una jaqueta
Jeans calçons texans
Trousers (American English: pants) calçons
Trainers sabates esportives
Hat capell
Shoes sabates
Scarf bufanda

What are you wearing? Què vesteixes/ dus posat?
I'm wearing a dress.  Jo vestesc/ duc posat un vestit

I'm wearing a hat and a scarf.   Jo vestesc/ duc posat un capell i una bufanda.




Thursday, February 9, 2023

unit 2: Houses, materials, questions and answers

Hello children and families!

We are finishing unit 2, so here I am going to tell you all you have to study and learn in this unit.


House - casa

flat - pis

hall - entrada

living room - sala d'estar

bedroom - dormitori

bathroom - bany

kitchen - cuina 

garden - jardí


 Tipus de cases: houseboat - casa barca, caravan - caravana, cottage - caseta, cabanya, castle-castell.

Objects in the house:

chair - cadira            cooker - cuina

shower - dutxa        fridge - gelera

bath - banyera         sofa - sofà

bed - llit                wall- paret, mur


wood- fusta     straw - palla    stone - pedra     glass - vidre     metal - metall    fabric - tela



Hem estat estudiant preguntes que comencen per Is _____ ? i tenen dues respostes possibles:

-Yes, it is.    -No, it isn't.


-Is the bed in the bedroom?

 -Yes, it is.

-Is the shower in the living room?

-No, it isn't.  





Thursday, January 26, 2023

Rooms in the house for Steve and Maggie

 Here you are a video to learn the rooms in a house

Houses and materials

 Hello families!

As you know we are learning about houses and now we also learn about materials to build houses:

WOOD = fusta

METAL= metall

FABRIC= tela

STRAW= palla

STONE= pedra

GLASS= vidre


Can you think of a house for a pet? Say what pet it is and what materials is the house made of.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Talking about Your Home in English

Hello children!
Here you are a video of a house that is very big and comfortable with a lot of rooms to do lots of things. I like it but it is too big ,I think.
Hope you like the video!😃

Sunday, January 1, 2023

My house (rooms)

 Here you are some rooms in a house you need to learn:

unit 2: What's in your dream house?

 Hello students and families! 

Now we are learning the parts of the house. Here you are the first two pages in unit 2 to see what are the rooms in the house (les habitacions a la casa).


El títol de la unitat 2 significa "Què hi ha a la casa dels teus somnis?"
Can you think about these questions? (Pots pensar sobre aquestes preguntes?):

a)Where would the house of your dreams be? (On estaria la casa dels teus somnis?)
Examples: near the sea, in the mountain, in a big city, in a small village, next to the park


b) How many rooms would your house have? (Quantes habitacions tendria la teva casa?)


c) What rooms would it have? (Quines habitacions tendria?)


d)Is there a garden in your dream house? (Hi ha un jardí a la teva casa dels somnis?)


e) Do you want to say something else about your dream house? (Vols dir res més sobre la teva casa dels somnis?)
