Friday, February 7, 2014

EXAMS 1st & 2nd Primary

Next week ( Tuesday for 2nds and Thursday for 1sts) there are exams of the unit 2.
La propera setmana (dimarts per als 2ns i dijous per als 1rs) hi ha controls de la unitat 2.
The students  must know:
Els/les alumnes han de saber:

1st Primary:

Toys:  kite, bike, scooter, skateboard, ball, doll,  computer game, paints.
Colours: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink, purple/violet, brown, indigo.
Story 2 : Fly, kite, fly! (photocopy/webpage)
Rainbow, it's sunny, it's raining.

2nd Primary
Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
Parts of the body/face: eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, cheeks, hair, body, arms, legs, head, tail.
Long, short, small/little, big.
I've got/ I haven't got...  long hair.
Whale, swordfish, shark, fish, octopus, seahorse, sea lion, mermaid, turtle.
Story 2: Neon the Fish. (photocopy/webpage)

Remember you also have the webpage to study:
Recordau que  també teniu la pàgina web per estudiar:

Saturday, February 1, 2014

WEEKEND 1-2 February 2014

I want to explain something here because it always causes misunderstandings. When we write "study" in the "agenda", that does not mean that there is an exam, but that the students have to study something -a song, vocabulary...- because it is necessary that they study little by little: one day one thing and another day another thing. When they have to study for an exam, we write "exam" in the "agenda".
This weekend the 2nd  Primary students have to start studying the story 2: Neon the fish (the 1st half of the story). They have a photocopy but it is better if they can study it through the webpage of Big Surprise! 2.
The students of 1st Primary do not have homework, so they can review and play games in the webpage Big Surprise! 1 or others.

Vull explicar aquí un a cosa perquè sempre causa malentesos. Quan escrivim "estudiar" a l'agenda, això no significa que hi ha un examen, sinó que els alumnes han d'estudiar alguna cosa -una cançó, vocabulari...-perquè és necessari que estudiin poc a poc: un dia una cosa i un altre dia una altra cosa. Quan han d'estudiar per a un control, escrivim "exam" a l'agenda.
Aquest cap de setmana els/les alumnes de 2n de Primària han de començar a estudiar la història 2: Neon el peix (la 1ª meitat de la història). Tenen una fotocòpia però és millor si la poden estudiar mitjançant la pàgina web de Big Surprise!2.
Els/les alumnes de 1r de Primària no tenen deures, així que poden repassar i jugar els jocs de l pàgina web de Big Surprise!1 o d'altres.

Here you have a link to a webpage:

I hope you like it!