Wednesday, April 17, 2013

story 4 The King of the Jungle

Can you put in order the pieces of the story that are not in order?
Pots posar en ordre els trossos de la historia que no estan en l'ordre que toca?

The king of the jungle

Walking through the jungle, a tiger meets a monkey.
‘Yum! Yum! A picnic!’ says the tiger.

‘Yum? Yum?’ says the monkey. ‘It’s my picnic.’
‘No, it isn’t. I’m the king of the jungle,’ says the tiger. ‘Roar! Roar!’
‘No, I’m the king of the jungle,’ says the monkey. ‘Watch!’

Walking through the jungle, the monkey and the tiger meet a snake.
The snake sees the tiger behind the monkey.
The snake is scared.
‘See!’ says the monkey. ‘I’m the king of the jungle.’
‘Oh, yes!’ says the tiger.

‘Yes, Monkey, you are the king of the jungle,’ says the tiger.

Walking through the jungle, the monkey and the tiger meet a turtle.
The turtle sees the tiger behind the monkey.
The turtle is scared.

‘See!’ says the monkey. ‘I’m the king of the jungle.’
‘Oh, yes!’ says the tiger.

 Walking through the jungle, the monkey and the tiger meet an
The elephant sees the tiger behind the monkey.
The elephant is scared.

‘See!’ says the monkey. ‘I’m the king of the jungle.’
‘Oh, yes!’ says the tiger.

‘Come on everyone!’ says the monkey.
‘Yum! Yum! A picnic!’ say the turtle, the elephant and the snake.

EXERCISE _STORY 4: City mouse and country mouse_

Hello boys and girls!
I want to propose you an exercise to start practising the story that you have to learn in the following days. I give you the story but it is scrambled and you have to find out the correct order of the paragraphs. In a few days I will give you the solution. I am sure you will do it very well!

Hola nins i nines!
Jo us vull proposar un exercici per començar a practicar la historieta que heu d'aprendre els propers dies. Jo us don la historia però està desordenada i heu d'averiguar l'odre correcte dels paràgrafs. En uns quants dies us donaré la solució. Estic segura que ho fareu molt bé!

City Mouse and Country Mouse

Molly the mouse lives in a small house in the country.
I like the country.
It’s quiet.

At lunchtime, Molly gives Marco some bread and cheese.
Bread and cheese!
I don’t like bread and cheese.
In the city we eat delicious food.
We eat pizza and ice cream.
Come with me to the city!

 Marco the mouse is Molly’s friend.
He lives in a big house in the city.
I like the city. It’s noisy.

One day Marco visits Molly in the country.
Hello, Molly! I’m here!
Hello, Marco! Welcome to the country.

So Molly goes to the city with Marco.
This is my house, Molly
Come in!
It’s fantastic!

What’s that?
It’s a cat!
Run, Molly, run! 
The two mice run away.

It’s lunchtime.
I’m hungry. Let’s eat!
Look! Ham! Tomatoes! Pizza!
And ice cream!
But suddenly they hear a noise.

I’m going home!
In the city we’ve got ham, tomatoes, pizza and ice cream!
And a big cat too!
I like the country.
Bye, Bye, Marco!
And Molly goes home to the country. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

2nd Primary

Homework for the students of 2nd Primary:  page 39 _put the stickers, write the names and study_.
If you have not finished page 38, you must finish it: draw and write what you like _country or city, flowers, trees, cars, shops, buildings_.

Deures per als estudiants de 2n de Primària: pàgina 39 _aferrar els adhesius, escriure els noms i estudiar_.
Si no s'ha acabat la pàgina 38, s'ha d'acabar: dibuixar i escriure el que t'agrada _camp o ciutat, flors, arbres, cotxes, botigues, edificis_.

COUNTRY                                                                                CITY

1st Primary

This week the students of 1st Primary do NOT have any homework. They can study the songs in unit 4 with the CD or play the games. Remember you have also a link on the right part of this blog to enter in the Surprise! web where you can find the songs, ganes and stories. Here you are a game about animals. You have to CLIC on the following link:

Aquesta setmana els estudiants de 1r de primària NO tenen deures. Poden estudiar les cançons de la unitat 4 amb el CD o jugar els jocs. Recordau que també teniu un enllaç a la part dreta d'aquest blog per entrar a la pàgina web de Surprise! on podeu trobar les cançons, els jocs i les historietesAquí teniu un joc d'animals. Heu de CLICAR damunt el següent enllaç:


Thursday, April 11, 2013

VOKI: my name is Anna

goldilocks _British Council_

Hello everybody!
If you liked the tale Goldilocks and The Three Bears, here you have a video ofi it. Enjoy ir!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Story telling: Millie Potter

Hello everybody!
Last week at school we had the "Setmana Cultural" and we did lots of special things: "Sport Day", "Mathematics games", board games, Comics, Shopping in the "mercadet solidari", etc.
We had a special English activity: Millie Potter visited our school for a story telling for the students of 1st cycle of Primary.
The story was Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a well known tale that we all liked very much. 

Hola a tothom!
La setmana passada a l'escola vàrem tenir la Setmana Cultural i vàrem fer un munt de coses especials: Jornades esportives, Jocs Matemàtics, jocs de taula, Còmics, Anar de compres al mercadet solidari, etc.
Vàrem tenir una activitat especial en anglès: Millie Potter va visitar la nostra escola per a un contacontes per als estudiants de 1r cicle de Primària.
La història va ser Rinxols d'Or i els Tres Ossets, un conte ben conegut que a tothom va agradar molt.

Some students had to help Millie Potter because she was not strong enough and our boys were very strong!

Alguns alumnes varen haver d'ajudar Millie Potter perquè no era prou forta i els nostres nins varen ser molt forts! 

Below you can see some photos of the show.

Abaix podeu veure unes fotos de l'espectacle.

Galería de aina canet

Millie potterMillie potter 1Millie potter 2Millie potter 3Millie potter 4Millie potter 5
Millie potter 6Millie potter 7Millie potter 8Millie potter 9Millie potter 10Millie potter 11
Millie potter 12Millie potter 13

La galería de aina canet en Flickr.