Friday, December 3, 2021

Steve and Maggie _ House and colours

 Another  video to learn the rooms:

New house by Steve and Maggie

 Here you are a video with Steve and Maggie to study the rooms of the house.

unit 2: He /She is in the kitchen


In the classroom we have drawn a house in he notebook and written some sentences about it.

You need to study the rooms of the house and the sentences. If you have not finished the task n the classroom, here you have it to finish.

She isn't in the attic.
She isn't in the bedroom.
She is in the kitchen.

He isn't in the bedroom.
He isn't in the kitchen.
He is in the attic.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Dubtes que m'han demanat

 Hello Families!

No dubteu en escriure'm a l'agenda per a qualsevol problema que tingueu referent a les classes d'English o sobre els deures. 

Alguna vegada els don al nins i nines els llibres per a què el cap de setmana els tenguin a casa i puguin repassar el que estam fent a classe. Si no apuntam res a l'agenda simplement es tracta de què mirin amb vosaltres i els faceu preguntes sobre les pàgines que ja estan fetes. Normalment no han d'escriure i no han d'avançar pàgines a casa perquè després quan ho feim a classe ja ho tenen fet i no poden fer el mateix que els altres. Alguna vegada sí que anotam a l'agenda sí han de fer/acabar alguna pàgina del llibre o fotocòpia que els don.

A primer ara hem començat la unitat 2 en què estudiam les parts del cos i ara farem un repàs dels colors i els resultats de mesclar colors.


A segon estudiam ara les parts de la casa (rooms= habitacions) i diferenciar HOUSE- casa i FLAT- pis. També respondre preguntes com Where's Sarah? She's in the house o She's un the bedroom.

A primer encara no fa falta que aprenguin a escriure tot, però sí que poden reconèixer les paraules i si estan preparats per a escriure ho poden començar a fer.

A segon sí que ja han de saber escriure el vocabulary bàsic de cada tema i començar a fer algunes frases molt senzilles.

Als dos cursos sempre repassam algunes expressions bàsiques com la data en anglès i dir quin temps fa.

Gràcies per la vostra col.col·laboració i paciència!

Teacher Aina

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Days of the week | Song for PRIMARY kids children | English Through Music

Hello boys and girls! 
One important thing is to know how to say the dates. So it is necessary to learn the days and the months. Here you are two videos to review them!



Friday, November 12, 2021

More rooms

 This video presents more rooms. I hope you like it!

Rooms of the house

 We are studying now the rooms of the house. In this video you have some of the rooms to begin learning them. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Magic School Story from Steve and Maggie + MORE Stories for Kids | Learn...

Hello students, boys and girls and families!
Here you are a video of the classroom objects
we are learning at school.
I hope you like it!

And here another one:

Friday, November 5, 2021

Stories with CAN / CAN'T


Here you are a video with stories that use CAN/ CAN'T

VIDEO Yes, I can

This is a video to learn I can with actions which are different from the ones in the book.


 Hello again!

Aquesta publicació és per avisar que la setmana propera farem el 1r examen d'anglès d'aquest curs. Han d'estudiar la unitat 1 que comprèn:


juggle, dance, skate, skip, read, draw, play football, play tennis, play tag, play hide and seek,

play marbles, play hopscotch. (El que significa ho tenen als dibuixos del llibre i en teoria ja ho saben perquè ho  hem treballat prou a classe). 

I can .... / I can't  (Jo sé o puc / Jo no sé o no puc).

El mateix amb HE / SHE (ell/ella)


I can dance. I can't juggle.

She can play marbles.

He can't play hide and seek.

La data de l'examen depèn del grup: dimarts 9 novembre, dimecres 10 o dijous 11(ho hem anotat a l'agenda).

Si algú falta per un motiu justificat no passa res, farà l'examen quan torni venir.

 Hello students and families of 2nd Primary!

Per si no queda clara la utilitat del blog vos explic quatre cosetes. Podeu demanar-me el que necessiteu saber als comentaris.

Aquest blog vol esser una ajuda i un complement de les classes i dels llibres que usam. Els vídeos són un mitjà per practicar el LISTENING (comprensió oral). A vegades són coses que hem fet a classe (dies, mesos, el temps) i altres són complementaris per a què augmentin el vocabulari i simplement per a què passin gust de veure'ls i s'acostumin a sentir coses en anglès. 

Per exemple els vídeos de I can / I can't practiquen  aquesta estructura que hem estudiat a classe però amb més paraules i diferents de les que surten al llibre.

Les feines que han de fer  les duen apuntades a l'agenda i alguna pot ser que la vos escrigui aquí també però no sempre. El que cal fer és el que diu a l'agenda.

A vegades duen el Classbook  a casa i hi ha apuntades pàgines que ja les hem fetes a classe i s'han d'estudiar/repassar. Si alguna no la tenen feta perquè han faltat o no els ha donat temps l'han de fer. Si hi ha un examen ho especificam: exam i la unitat sobre la qual és l'examen. A vegades també posam les pàgines més importants que s'han de saber.

També tenen un altre llibret petit que li deim BOOKLET i se l'enduen de tant en quant per fer una o dues pàgines. 

No convé que avancin pàgines perquè llavors quan l'hem de fer a l'aula ja la tene feta i no poden fer el mateix que els altres.

Gràcies per la vostra paciència i col·laboració!

Teacher Aina

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 Hello students and families of 2nd!

In the unit 1 we learn about actions and to say what you can or can't do. Here you are a video of what animals can/can't do. The vocabulary is not exactly the same as in the book but is  is okey.

Monday, October 18, 2021

What are we learning now?


 I am very happy to see that I have some more followers. I hope you like this blog and it will be useful for you. In the unit 1 we are learning some classroom objects. Here you are some videos to study them.

(In the book we use at school the eraser (goma) is the rubber )

Monday, October 4, 2021

Hello and welcome to my blog

 Hello students and families of 1st & 2nd Primary!

We have started the school year 2021-22 and I want to welcome you to this blog of English.
Here you will find songs, videos, explanations of what we are doing at school and I hope it is useful for you and you like it. You can leave your comments if you want to. Also you can ask me about anything about the English lessons in your child's "agenda". Do not doubt to tell me about anything you need to know.
Hola estudiants i famílies de 1r i 2n Primary!
Hem començat el curs escolar 2021-22 i vull donar-vos la benvinguda a aquest blog d'anglès.
Aquí trobareu cançons,vídeos, explicacions del que feim a escola i esper que vos sigui útil. Podeu deixar els vostres comentaris si voleu. També em podeu demanar sobre alguna cosa de les classes a l'agenda dels vostres fills/es. No dubteu demanar-me qualsevol cosa que necessiteu saber.
Now here you are some videos of days, numbers, colours and the weather, things we are reviewing in the lessons. 





Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hello 4ths

 Hello again students of Fourth Primary!

This year we are not going to use this blog as main tool because we will have the Google Classroom, but we have not started with it yet. So, because some of you are followers of this blog I am going to post something for you.

Aquest any nosaltres no usarem aquest blog com a eina principal perquè tindremel Google Classroom, però no hem començat  amb ell encara. Així que, perquè alguns de vosaltres sou seguidors d'aquest blog publicaré alguna cosa per a vosaltres.

In the starter unit we have studied the ordinal numbers, but to know the ordinals you need to know the cardinal numbers. Here you are a video to remember them and if you like you can do some exercise also:

Here you have another video where you can see how to write the numbers:


The ordinal numbers are 
1st first
2nd second
 3rd third
and the following add -th:
4th fourth
6th sixth
Except the numbers finishing in 1st, 2nd, 3rd: 21st, 22nd,23rd, 31st, etc.

PAY ATTENTION to these numbers
5th fifth, 8th eighth, 9th ninth, 12th twelfth.


Friday, July 30, 2021

Tiger mask

 Hi everybody!

Today I post here a video to make a tiger mask. If you are bored you can make it  and then play with it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Chocolate Birthday Cake Story for Kids from Steve and Maggie | Wow Engli...


How is your summer? I hope you are fine. I am very well.

I just want to post a story of Steve and Maggie, I think it is funny.

A big hug!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Summer Songs for Kids | I Love Summertime | The Singing Walrus

Hello boys and girls!

Here you are a summer song to practise and dance. Enjoy!

Hello students, boys and girls, parents and all the family!

This school year 2020-21 has finished and I am very happy to have been your teacher because you are all champions!

I wish you enjoy your summer holidays: play games, sunbathe, swim in the sea or the swimming pool... and when you are tired, you can play some games in English, read comics or stories and watch videos or listen to songs. Remember that if you don't practise a language you will forget it.

You have  the webpages of symbaloo where you can find webs to review and if you need something you can write to me here in the comments.

A big hug to all of you! Teacher Aina

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Unit 5 exam

Hello boys and girls and families!

La setmana que ve entre el dimarts  8 i el dijous 10 de juny tindrem una prova per  veure el que heu après de la unitat 5.

Aquí vos record el que heu d'estudiar:

1. Vocabulari relacionat amb A bithday party: birthday cads, presents, candles and food. Pàgines 50-51

2. Vocabulari of the story A stone soup Pàgines 54-55

3. Preguntes i respostes:

-Have you got a pot?  -Yes,I have.  /  -No, I haven't.

4. Frases sobre  el que li agrada o no a un altre:

He likes onions. He doesn't like mushrooms.

She likes bananas. She doesn't like oranges.

Here you are a photo of a page from the Activity Book to practise:


Saturday, May 29, 2021



Counting Down From Twenty Song

Let's Count to 20 Song For Kids

2nd Primary unit 5: It's my birthday!

 Hello boys and girls of 2nd of primary!

We are finishing the unit 5: It's my birthday! and we are going to do an exam about it.

What is important in this unit?

*Vocabulary: a birthday party, birthday cards, crisps, water, pizza, yoghurt, sausages, popcorn, cherries.

*Numbers: one, two, three,four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy,eighty, ninety.

*Story Stone soup. In this story there are questions and answers like this:

    -Have you got potatoes? -Yes, I have // -No, I haven't.

*Sentences like: - He likes birthday cake.   -She likes party games.

-He doesn't like party games.   -She doesn't like presents.


Friday, May 28, 2021

 Hello boys and girls!

La setmana que ve tindrem l'examen de la unitat 5 i aqui vos deix un document de tot el que heu d'estudiar. 

Happy weekend!


What do you need to study in unit 5?

1.   Descriptions of people:

Long/short  hair

Curly/ wavy/ straight hair

Fair/ blonde/ dark/ brown hair

Big/ small/ little ears/ eyes

A wig, a beard, a moustache, funny glasses


Remember the order: size (tamany) shape (forma) colour noun (nom)

Examples: Long straight dark hair, big blue eyes


-What is he/she wearing? – He/she is wearing a curly wig.

-Has he/she got blue eyes?

–Yes, he/she has.

-Has he/she got a beard?

-No, he/she hasn’t.











2. 2.   Vocabulary from the story The Careless Giant and sentences in present continuous: He /She is + verb-ing. Look at the examples in affirmative (+) and negative (-).

Friday, May 14, 2021



We are studying descriptions of people. You have to study the vocabulary about hair, eyes, ears... and the adjectives: curly, straight, brown green...

You can finish the Liveworksheets 21,22, 23 and 24.

Happy weekend!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

 UNIT 4:  A day at the farm

Activity about animals and their parts. Say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE:

a) A rabbit has got wings.                TRUE / FALSE  🐇

b)A hamster has got feathers.         TRUE / FALSE  🐹

c) A chicken has got a beak.            TRUE / FALSE  🐔

d) A sheep has got wings.                 TRUE / FALSE   🐑

e) A bee has got a tail.                      TRUE / FALSE   

f) A duck has got feathers.               TRUE / FALSE   🦆

g) A pig has got  a beak.                   TRUE / FALSE  🐖

h)A horse has got a tail.                    TRUE / FALSE  🐴

Friday, April 23, 2021


We have finished unit 4 and we are going to do a test about it.

What is important in this unit 4?

Vocabulary: farm animals and the parts of animals.

Sentences with THERE ARE. Exple: There are five sheep.

Sentences with IT'S GOT. Exple: It's got wings.

UNIT 4 I love the weekend

Hello students and families!
Remember: next week on Moday26th or Tuesday 27th we are going to do the exam about unit 4.

WHAT do you have to study?
fly a kite, ride a bike, listen to music, talk to friends, swap cards, read comics, have a picnic, play computer games
jump high, play the guitar/ drums/ violin/ piano, climb a tree, run fast, skateboard, sing, play catch

I ride a bike at the weekend.
I don't swap cards at the weekend.

-Do you talk to friends at the weekend? ✔-Yes,I do.    ✖-No,I don't.

*Can / can't
I can ride a bike.
I can't play the guitar.
-Can he run fast?  ✔-Yes, he can.      ✖-No, he can't.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Song for Kids: Fun Body Percussion!

Hello boys and girls and families! Here you are the rap that we watched and you liked, or I think that you liked it. Enjoy the holidays ahd happy Easter!!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Unit 4: I love the weekend

 Hello students!

We are in unit 4 and we are studying activities we do in the free time (temps lliure). Can you write sentences about what you do  or you don't do in your free time?


I talk to friends at the weekend and I read books at the weekend .

I don't swap cards at the weekend.

Use these expressions:

*Have a picnic

*Ride a bike

*Fly a kite

*Play computer games

*Swap cards

*Listen to music

*Read comics

*Talk to friends

(Si vols pots afegir una o dues  més que no siguin aquestes.)


Unit 4: A day at the farm

 Hello boys and girls!

Now we study the unit 4. In this unit we have some animals and we make the plurals of these animals. 

We are going to study to say and write THERE ARE = Hi ha, quan la paraula que ve darrera està en plural. A la unitat 3 vårem estudiar THERE IS que és quan hi ha una cosa, en singular.


There is a dog.

There are four dogs.

Dels animals que teniu al principi de la unitat ATENCIÓ a  sheep perquè no varia en plural: 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep...

(Al vídeo no surten ben bé els mateixos que al llibre. Al llibre no hi ha goose, donkey ni turkey. Les paraules que surten al vídeo estan bé però si posau subtítols surten amb errors!)

Can you write the missing letters to discover the animals?
(Pots escriure les lletres perdudes per descobrir els animals?)

B_ _
Sh_ _ p
H_ _s_
_ ig

Can you say the person who works in the farm? 
(Pots dir la persona que treballa a la granja?)
_ _ _ _ _ _

Monday, March 1, 2021



Recordau que alguns/es no heu fet totes les liveworksheets que teniu per fer. N'hi ha tretze i de cara al proper examen les més importants són les números 10, 11, 12 i 13.

A qualcú li he posat per repetir alguna que no li havia anat molt bé.

3rd Primary unit 3 I like...


 A la publicació de dia 5 de febrer teniu el llistat de tot el que s'ha d'estudiar a la unit 3 i sabeu que tot això entrarà a l'examen.

Molt important saber bé el vocabulary, com es pronuncia i com s'escriu. Per a això podeu mirar vídeos de youtube o entrar al llibre digital amb l'enllaç a la web d'Oxford que ja teniu.


a/an = un o una, només en singular

some = uns o unes, alguns o algunes, un poc de, en frases afirmatives (sí) i en invitacions

any = cap, gens, uns o unes, en frases negatives (no) i preguntes.

BUT però,  AND i,  OR o, ni.


I've got a banana and an apple, some water but I haven't got any milk.

I like spinach and lettuce but  I don't like mayonnaise or ketchup.

-Would you like some mayonnaise? (t'estan oferint si vols maionesa)

-Yes, please.   / -No, thank you.

-Have you got any fruit?

-I've got some cherries and an orange. I haven't got any strawberries.

Friday, February 12, 2021

UNIT 3: Let's go to school!

 Hello boys and girls!

A la unitat 3 hem d'aprendre les parts de l'escola que teniu al llibre a les pàgines 28,29. Si no heu copiat les paraules a la retxa que hi ha davall cada una, ho heu de fer. 

També s'han d'estudiar els números fins al 20. Al llibre vos vaig aferrar un paper in els teniu ben escrits.

També podeu mirar vÍdeos per aprendre la pronunciació.

Numbers up to 10:

Numbers 1-20: 


My pizza

 Hello students of 3rd Primary!

Per si algú no ha apuntat els deures o no ha vingut...  heu d'estudiar el vocabulary de la unit 3 i el que vareu copiar al quadern. A l'activity book a la  pàgina 89 hi ha una pizza i ingredients que heu de retallar, heu de crear la vostra pizza aferrant els ingredients que volgueu i els que no poseu a la pizza els guardau i els duis a la propera classe d'anglès i la pizza també, és clar.

Ah! Teniu una worksheet nova per fer a



Friday, February 5, 2021

unit 3 _ I like cooking.

 Hello students of 3rd Primary!

We are studying unit 3 in your book I LIKE COOKING. 

In this unit we have to learn:
-vocabulary of FOOD

- I like... / I don't like...

-I have got... / I haven't got...

- Some and any 

-Questions and answers: Does he/she like...? 

-Yes, he/she does. /   -No, he/she doesn't.

ATENTION! Tot això no ho heu d'estudiar ja i tot de cop. Ho anirem fent les properees setmanes a classe passa a passa.

ARA ja podeu estudiar el vocabulari de la pàgina 22 de l'Activity book, que ja l'heu de fer, i la primera part de la pàgina 64.

Pensau amb l'enllaç que teniu a la publicació anterior perquè ja vos he dit que l'he d'eliminar.


Friday, January 15, 2021

3rd Primary GRAMMAR unit 2

  Hello students of 3rd! Here you are some sentences from the story in afirmative and negative form to study.

GRAMMAR unit 2


1 +Lin lives in a Village in China.

-She doesn't live in Spain.


2 +Lin likes the school.

-She doesn't like the rope.


3 +Lin crosses the river on a rope.

-She doesn't cross the river on a bridge.


4 +Lin walks to school on a bridge.

-She doesn't walk on a street.


5 +Lin ties a bell to the bridge to say 

thank you.

-She doesn't tie a bow.


6 +Sam goes to school by car

-He doesn't go by bus.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Unit 2 3rd Primary

 Hello students of 3rd Primary!

We are studying unit 2. In this unit you have to learn the questions about the time:

a)What time is it?

It's ______ o'clock.  // It's half past _____

b) What time is (Maths)  ?

(Maths)   is at (half past eight).

Of course , you need to know the numbers to tell the time.

We also study some vocabulary from the story and say and write sentences with them.


a bell, a rope, a village, a river, a bridge, a road, mountains, cross, walk, live.

Examples of sentences:

She lives in a vllage.

He doesn't walk to school.

REMEMBER  It is impossible to learn everything together at once, so start with the vocabulary and then continue with the sentences/ questions, little by little.

RECORDAU És impossible aprendre-ho tot junt d'una vegada, així començau amb el vocabulary i llavors continuau amb les frases/preguntes poc a poc.

Monday, January 4, 2021


Here you are two videos about numbers from 1 to 20.

 Hello students of 2nd Primary!

This year we have to learn to count but also to write the numbers, so here you are a page to study the numbers. You can copy them on a paper or notebook to practise.

Hola estudiants de 2n de Primària!

Aquest curs hem d'aprendre a comptar però també a escriure els números, així que aquí teniu una pàgina per estudiarels números. Els podeu copiar a un paper o quadern per practicar.


 Hello boys and girls! 

This post is to remember you that you have worksheets in and you can do all of them. I know some of you have done them, very well!!

Enjoy the holidays we still have!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Year 2021

 Hello! I  just want to wish to all my students a very good happy new year 2021! ❤