Friday, April 29, 2016

This wekend the students of first and second have written in the "agenda" they have to study (unit 4) but some of them did not take the book. Don't worry! They'll take it on Monday and then they will study. But if you can use the web they can start studying with it and if they have the photocopies they have done at home they can also study them!

Have a nice weekend!

Aquest cap de setmana els/les estudiants de 1r i 2n han escrit a l'agenda que han d'estudiar (unitat 4) però alguns/es no se'n varen dur els llibres. No passeu pena! Els se'n duran el dilluns i llavors estudiaran. Però si podeu usar internet poden començar a estudiar amb la web i si tenen les fotocòpies que han fet a casa també les poden estudiar!

Bon cap de setmana!

Friday, April 1, 2016

I Can Sing a Rainbow - Rainbow song - Color song - Nursery Rhymes with l...

And now another version. It is more difficult and complete.

English Nursery Rhymes Children Songs - The Rainbow Song - Animation Rhymes

I want to dedicate this song specially to Aynara.
I also hope all my students will like it. :-)