Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas songs

Hello dear students of 2nd, 3rd and families,

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Here I post some videos for you so if you are bored you can watch them. 
I hope you like them!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Parts of the House | Kids Vocabulary | Fun Kids English

Hello! This video tells you what are the rooms of a house.
 (Hi ha algunes diferències amb el nostre llibre:
 al nostre no surt office i enlloc de hallway diu hall.)

Let's Learn About the Clock | Fun Clock Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

In this video Jack Hartmann explains how the analog clock works.

Hello! In unit 2 we have to learn how to say the time: O'CLOCK (en punt)  & HALF PAST (i mitja) .

Here you are a song to practise What's the time? and the hours when it 's o'clock.

At the end of the song the wolf (llop) says "dinner time!" (hora de sopar). Remember the English people has dinner early.

Learn Rooms of the House Song with Matt | Action Songs for Children | L...

Hello students of 2nd! we are studying the rooms of the house or flat. 
Here you are a video to learn them.