Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer is here!

 Hello boys and girls and families!

Summer is here! So that is holidays for the students and teachers.

I recommend, because it is a long time, that you do something in English during your holidays. 

The  students of 1st Primary this week will take their books home, so they can do the little book:"Extra Fun" and finish if they have incomplete or not done exercises in the Pupil's Book.  

You can also watch videos in YouTube to review what we have done or use this blog to study and not forget. 

There is a lot of free time so the children have time to do lots of things and play some games in English, read,  if they can already read, or listen to songs and cartoons or films in English, it is very good for them.

Enjoy your summer holidays!!!


Pelota, Playa, Oceano, Bola Rosa

Fotografia pelota-playa-oceano-bola-rosa-1845545 de

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Yes, I Can! | Animal Song For Children | Super Simple Songs

El verb CAN significa que podem / sabem fer una activitat i si deim CAN'T vol dir que NO ho podem/ sabem fer. 

 Exemples: I can swim. He can jump She can skip. I can't climb He can't speak Chinese. She can't play basketball. 

 Here you are a song with can, can't.


What can you do in your park?

 In this unit we have learned about activities and also about what one can or can't do.

Saturday, May 11, 2024


 Hem après a classe que diferenciam quan hi ha una cosa o quan hi ha més d'una.

 Així, usarem THIS IS per a una cosa  i THESE ARE per a més d'una.





 Can you write the parts of the body using these groups of letters?

OYDB        RMA        ELG        INFERGS           SETO

____        ___           ___        _______          ____

AHNDS        YEES        ARES        EAHD        MHOUT

_____         ____        ____        ____         _____

Friday, May 10, 2024

My Monster

     Hello families! 

    Today Friday 10 May all the students of 1st Primary are taking home a task to finish. It is the drawing of a monster that they have to finish and practise with it the parts of the body. 

Example: My monster has got one head with three eyes, one big nose, one small mouth and four ears. He has got a body , four arms with four hands and eight fingers. He has got one leg with two feet and four toes.

You can also say what colour is it and if it is happy, sad, scary...

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Related to the parts of the body, we are learning the five senses:

We can SEE with the eyes.

We can LISTEN/HEAR with the ears.

We can SMELL with the nose.

We can TASTE with the mouth/tongue.

We can TOUCH with the hands and fingers.

Here you are a video about this:

VIDEO parts of the body

 Here you are a video to practise the pronunciation of the parts of the body.

Parts of the body

 Hello children and families!👋

I haven't written here for a long time, sorry!😔

We are learning the parts of the body and related to this the five senses.👀👃👂👄

It is important that at home you revise what we do in the class because if not, the students do not remember everything.

Can you match the photos with the following words: body - head - eyes - ears - nose - mouth - arms - hands - fingers -   legs - feet - toes?

Atention to these observations:
*The word FEET (peus) is plural, the singular is FOOT (peu).
*In English we have fingers in the hands and toes in the feet, it is different from Catalan or Spanish : dits  o dedos in both hands and feet.

BODY = flashcard 58, EARS = flashcard 59, EYES= flashcard 60, FINGERS= flashcard 61,
FEET= flashcard 67, TOES = flashcard 65, ARMS= flashcard 66, LEGS = flashcard 67, HEAD = flashcard 62, NOSE= flashcard 64.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Have yu a pet?

 Hello children and families!

We are finishing the unit 3 which is about pets. In this unit we have studied some names of animals and also adjectives to describe them. 

There are 2 questions we are using with their answers:

-Have you got a  __(hamster)   ?

-Yes, I have.        -No, I haven't.

-What's your favourite pet?

-My favourite pet is a .............





and colours.

AND we have studied that some animals live INSIDE (A L'INTERIOR) and others live OUTSIDE (A L'EXTERIOR).

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Serena's English Puppet Theatre

 Hello children and families!

As I told you last week, we had the Serena's Puppet Theatre and it was a great activity in which some boys and girls helped Serena to tell the stories and sing a song.

Can you say the titles of the stories and song? (At the bottom of the post you have the answers to the question.)

Here you are some photos that show how funny it was.

Hola nins, nines i famílies!

Com vos vaig dir la setmana passada, vàrem tenir el teatre de titelles de na Serena i va ser una fantàstica activitat en la qual alguns nins i nines ajudaren na Serena a contar les històries i cantar una cançó. 

Pots dir el títols de les històries i la cançó? (A la part de baix de la publicació teniu les respostes a la pregunta.)

Aquí teniu algunes fotos que mostren com va ser de divertit.

                                                                                                                                  (The three stories: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Three little Pigs, Eight Flowers. Song: Little Johny Dances)

Friday, February 9, 2024

Serena's English Puppet Theatre

 Hello again! 

Ja vos han enviat les tutores una circular però vos vull avisar també des d'aquí que la propera setmana dimecres 14 o dijous 15, depenent del grup, tindrem a l'escola una activitat en anglès per a l'alumnat de primer i segon de primària, 

Serena és una professional de les Puppets (titelles) que ens contarà contes en anglès utilitzant les seves puppets i amb l'ajuda dels nins i nines.🎭

Ja ha vingut en altres ocasions a l'escola i a l'alumnat li agrada molt i ho passen molt bé, a més que experimenten que l'anglès és alguna cosa més, no només una matèria que s'ha d'estudiar i fer a classe.🇬🇧

Per favor pensau a pagar per a l'activitat, fins dia 13 teniu temps.💶


My family

 Hello families! 🙋‍♀️

Entre la setmana passada (Thursday 1 February) i ahir (Thursday 8 February) els nins i nines de primer se'n varen dur a casa una fitxa sobre My family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Si no l'han acabada, la poden acabar a casa i la poden deixar a casa, no fa falta que la tornin a escola. Han de dibuixar la seva família i escriure qui són: "This is my ........" i on hi ha "........." s'ha d'escriure " me, mum, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandad". 

En teoria, com que aquest vocabulari s'ha treballat a classe, ja l'haurien de saber però em tem que hi ha qualcú que encara no l'ha après. Estaria bé que el repasassin a casa. Gràcies!😀