Hello children and families!
As I told you last week, we had the Serena's Puppet Theatre and it was a great activity in which some boys and girls helped Serena to tell the stories and sing a song.
Can you say the titles of the stories and song? (At the bottom of the post you have the answers to the question.)
Here you are some photos that show how funny it was.
Hola nins, nines i famílies!
Com vos vaig dir la setmana passada, vàrem tenir el teatre de titelles de na Serena i va ser una fantàstica activitat en la qual alguns nins i nines ajudaren na Serena a contar les històries i cantar una cançó.
Pots dir el títols de les històries i la cançó? (A la part de baix de la publicació teniu les respostes a la pregunta.)
Aquí teniu algunes fotos que mostren com va ser de divertit.
(The three stories: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Three little Pigs, Eight Flowers. Song: Little Johny Dances)