Friday, October 8, 2010

Good news!

Dear Parents and friends,
Probably your children have already told you but I want to speak to you about a new "auxiliar de conversa" we have this year.
From 2008, there has been an auxiliar de conversa in the school but this person was working with older children so I did not mention it here. This schoolyear 2010/11 she is helping the students from 2nd Primary to 5th Primary.
Her name is Sarah and she is from United States of America. She will be one session a week with each group to help them with the skills of listening and speaking. Now we have a real model of American English and the children must take advantage of this paying attention and participating. I am sure they are going to enjoy if everybody colaborates as each one can.

Benvolguts pares i amics,
Probablement els vostres fills/es ja vos ho han dit pero jo vos vull parlar sobre una nova auxiliar de conversa que tenim aquest any.
Des de 2008 hi ha hagut a l'escola una auxiliar de conversa pero aquesta persona treballava amb els mes grans i per aixo no la vaig mencionar aqui. Aquest curs 2010/11 ella ajudara els alumnes des de 2n fins a 5e de Primaria.
Els seu nom es Sarah i es dels Estats Units d'America. Estara una sessio setmanal amb cada grup per ajudar-los amb les habilitats de escoltar i parlar. Ara tenim un model real d'angles america i els infants han d'aprofitar aquest avantatge posant atencio i participant. Estic segura que s'ho passaran be si tothom col·labora, cadascu com pugui.

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