Saturday, August 30, 2014

So so happy _ A Debbie and friends video_

I think that what you like most is watching song videos, so here you have one from Debbie and Friends in tne middle of the ocean. I love these videos.
You can listen and at the same time do the actions they sing: dance, clap your hands, play, sing, jump, make a sound. And there are a  lot of animals you can learn: fish, octopus, crab, whale, dolphin, turtles, birds and a treasure with funny musical instruments.

Crec que el que us agrada més és mirar vídeos de cançons, així que aquí teniu un de Debbie i Amics emmig de l'oceà. M'encanten aquests vídeos.
Podeu escoltar i al mateix temps fer les accions que canten: ballar, fer mamballetes, jugar, cantar, saltar,  fer un crit. I hi ha un caramull d'animals que pots aprendre: peixos, pop, cranc, balena, dolfí, tortugues, ocells i un tresor amb instruments musicals divertits.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Let It Go - Frozen - Alex Boyé (Africanized Tribal Cover) Ft. One Voice ...

Hello everyone!
I like very much music and I know some of my students like the song "Let it go _ Frozen" very much, so here you are two different videos of it.
Do you like singing? Can you sing like the children in the video? I Can't!!!

Hola a tothom!
M'agrada molt la música i sé que a alguns dels meus estudiants els agrada molt la cançó "Let it go _Frozen", així que aquí en teniu dos videos diferents.
T'agrada cantar? Saps cantar com els nins i nines del vídeo? Jo no!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

flash mob _ airport

And one more video just to have fun and enjoy music abd dancing!

Happy -sing and dance around the world-

Hello! Thisvideo of the song : "Happy" (which is one of the first words you learn in English or at least one of the first I usually teach to my students) takes you around the world singing and dancing. I hope it makes you HAPPY

Saturday, August 2, 2014

ABC... let's read!

Hello! Today let's read a little... first some vocabulary with all the letters of the ABC: 

 And now one about fruits and what happens to them:

And a page where you can find more online books, like this one: I Need My Monster, if you are not afraid of monsters!