Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hello Students of 2nd!
You can go to the Oxford web, the OOLZ: www.oup.com/elt/oupeprimary. There go to the book Great Explorers, level 2, Stories and you can watch and listen the three stories: unit 2 Let's go story; unit 4 In the garden story and unit 6 clothes story.

Hola estudiants de 2n!
Podeu anar a la web d'Oxford, OOLZ: www.oup.com/elt/oupeprimary. Allà anau al llibre Great Explorers, nivell 2, històries i podeu mirar i escoltar les tres historietes: unit 2 Let's go story; unit 4 In the garden story and unit 6 clothes story.

A short story:
Great Explorers: clothes story (click on the link)

GAME: emotions and feelings



Don't put your trousers on your head

One more video about clothes

Monday, March 30, 2020

Hello! A game to practise clothes


GAME: body parts

Hello! Here you are a link to play a game. I don't know if it will work or not... if you can comment...
Hola! Aquí teniu un enllaç per jugar un joc. No sé si funcionarà o no... si em podeu fer un comentari...


Patty Shukla - Germs song

Hello! Patty Shukla has a lot of songs about colours, actions... Here she tells us what to do to keep germs away!

Germs song by Patty Shukla

Hello! Good morning!
How are you?

I just want to suggest something you can do if you like it. If you don't, don't do it.
Només vull suggerir-vos una cosa que podeu fer si vos agrada. Si no, no ho faceu.
You can record a video while you sing a song or take photos doing your activities and send it to me by e-mail. If you want me to post it in this blog, tell me, if you don't say it I am not going to post it.
Podeu gravar un vídeo mentre cantau una cançó o fer  fotos fent les vostres activitats i enviar-m'ho per e-mail. Si voleu que ho publiqui a aquest blog, m'ho deis, si no m'ho deis no ho publicaré.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Song: Put on your clothes, hurry up

Activities for 1st Primary: body and clothes.

Some ideas to practise English with the boys and girls of first.
Unes idees per a practicar English amb els nins i nines de primer.

*Answer the following questions:
Contesta les següents preguntes:
They are about the clothes you wear on your body.
Són sobre la roba que vesteixes al teu cos.

1. What do you wear on your hands?
2. What do you wear on your head?
3. What do you wear on your body?
4. What do you wear on your legs?
5. What do you wear on your feet?

Answers: Respostes:
1. Gloves, 2. Hat, 3. Jumper, shirt, t-shirt, coat, 4. Trousers, 5. Socks and shoes

*Dibuixar un pallasso i escriure els noms de la roba que vesteix. (Una idea per a què sigui més divertit és que com que és un pallasso du la roba al lloc que no toca: una sabata a la ma, per exemple).

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Video to exercise

10 minutes of songs

I think you should wash a little longer... twice the song at least!

wash your hands well!

Hello again!
A video to learn or revise the colours. After watching the video they can copy the colours and paint next to the word the colour: RED 🔺
The students of 2nd can add the shape: RED TRIANGLE 🔺

Learn colours with Timmy

Poor Teddy | Learning Time with Timmy | Learn Words for Toddlers | Full ...

British Council has a lot of resources to learn English. Here you are a video of the series Learning Time with Timmy.
In this video we remember the parts of the body and what is a first aid kit.
Learning with Timmy. First aid kit, body

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Here you are a video.
In this video they use I like and other words that mean the same:  I enjoy, I  love.

Activities I like doing

Hello students of 2nd!
I have just sent by e-mail to your parents two pages with easy activities to remember some actions and how to say what you like doing.
Hola estudiants de 2n!
He enviat just ara per e-mail als vostres pares/mares 2 pàgines amb activitats fàcils per recordar algunes accions i com dir el que t'agrada fer.

Pay attention that the verb that indicates the action finshes in -ing:
Posau atenció que el verb que indica l'acció acaba en -ing:
swimming, reading, writing, playing, watching...

Hello students of 2nd!
-How are you?
-I am fine , thank you!
- What day is it today?
-Today is Tuesday 24.
-And what is the season?
-Now it is SPRING. The winter has finished.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Thirsty, hungry, sick with Steve and Maggie

Steve and Maggie: thirsty, hungry, sick

What's the weather like today song

What's the weather?

video: Hello how are you?

How are you today?
I am fine, thank you!
I am going to send you some videos and some activities. If you can do it, perfect if not, don't worry! a big hug!
Com estau avui?
Jo estic bé, gràcies!
Vaig a enviar-vos uns vídeos i algunes activitats. Si els podeu fer, perfecte. Si no, no vos preocupeu!
Una gran abraçada!


1. What day is today?
-Today is Monday 22 March.
2. What is the season?
-It is SPRING (primavera).
3. What's the weather like?
-It is sunny and cloudy.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Kids vocabulary - School - Learn English for kids - English educational ...

Parts of a school: here you can see a big school. 

If you copy the words on a paper you will remember them better.

Parts d'una escola: aquí podeu veure una escola gran.

Si copies les paraules a un paper les recordaràs millor!
Podeu observar que alguna paraula té altres maneres de dir-se a més de la que ve al nostre llibre.

Let's Count to 20 Song For Kids

Revision numbers 1-20

body Song - Educational Children Song - Learning English for Kids

Per ampliar vocabulari però també per ballar i moure'ns un poc!

Body Parts Song for Kids - This is ME! by ELF Learning - ELF Kids Videos

This is me! Revision of parts of the body (unit 2)

Color Song for Kids: Learn 9 Colors

A song to remember the colours, how to say and also write them!
Vos record que  teniu la pàgina web del llibre d'Oxford que utilitzam a classe. L'adreça de la web la vos vàrem enviar per e-mail.
També hi ha una pàgina que es diu Symbaloo i podeu entrar utilitzant l'usuari i contrasenya que vos donaré a continuació. Anau a la pestanya que correspon al curs de l'alumne/a i a Songs

User/Usuari: ssymbaloo@gmail.com
(amb dues s, no està equivocat)
Password/Contrasenya: English
1r= English 1st
2n= English 2nd
3r= English 3rd
Hello students, parents, brothers and sisters... everyone,
These are special and strange days when all of us must stay at home and we need the internet and mobile phones to keep in touch. So, I am going to use my blog again to tell you what you can do to continue learning English and not forget what we have studied. You can send me comments here and also by answering the mails that the headmaster sends you.

Hola estudiants, pares i mares, germans i germanes... tothom,
Aquests són dies especials i estranys quan tots nosaltres hem de quedar a casa i necessitamusar l'internet i els mòbils per mantenir-nos en contacte. Així, usaré el meu blog de nou per contar-vos què podeu fer per continuar aprenent anglès i no oblidar el que hem estudiat. Em podeu enviar comentaris aquí i també contestant el mails que vos envia el director.

#Stay at home  #Jo em quedo a casa

Per a les feines que s'han de fer durant aquests dies utilitzaré l'etiqueta CORONAVIRUS_SCHOOL. 
Així si posau això vos sortirà el que cal fer i les altres publicacions són complementàries.