Saturday, October 31, 2020

Unit 5: PETS


We have finished the unit 5 of All AboutUs 2. In this unit there are names of pets. Here the vowels have disappeared, can you complete the names of these pets:

Hola! Hem acabat la unitat 5 de All About Us 2. En aquesta unitat hi ha noms de mascotes. Aquí les vocals ha desaparegut, pots completar els noms d'aqueses mascotes:

d_g                c_t                b_rd                p_rr_t            

h_mst_r        t_rtl_            r_bb_t            f_sh

Now can you complete: What the pets can do? 

Use these words: swim, run, sing, fly, climb.

Ara pots completar: Què poden fer les mascotes? 
Empra aquestes paraules: nedar, córrer, cantar, volar, enfilar-se (trepar).

1. A parrot can __________ .
2. A dog can __________ .
3. A fish can __________ .
4. A cat can __________ .
5. A bird can __________ .

                                                            (Solutions: 1. fly 2. run 3. swim 4. climb 5. sing)


  1. Hello teacher!
    We can´t fill the gaps, Carla will fill it on a piece of paper.

    Hope you don´t mind.

    Bye bye

  2. Daniel L. Will fill it on a piece of paper too.

  3. That is the way to do it! And what is important is that you practise, I don't mind how you do it.
