Saturday, November 7, 2020

Liveworksheets English 3rds A, B, D

 Hello! This is just to remember you that you (3rd A, B, D) have a notebook of English in Liveworksheets.

Hola! Això és només per recordar-vos que teniu (3rd A, B, D) teniu un quadern d'anglès a Liveworksheets.

You can do pages 1, 2, 3. I have seen that some of you already have done. An applause!

Podeu fer les pàgines 1, 2, 3.He vist que alguns/es ja ho heu fet. Un aplaudiment!

Also a few students have another notebook: English starter, to revise what you failed in the exams.

També uns pocs estudiants teniu un altre quadern: English starter, per revisarallò que vareu fallar als exàmens.

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