Sunday, November 20, 2016

unit 1 and evaluation

Hello Mums, Dads and everybody!
At last unit 1 is finished. Now I am starting the evaluation of unit 0 /starter and unit 1.
I remind you here what the children have to know. Also the level is diferent in 1st and 2nd.

In 1st everything is more listening and speaking, they write very little but they must recognize the main words. In 2nd apart from what I have said i n 1st they also have to write the basic vocabulary. It is difficult for them because they are used to write like they pronounce and it must be explained that in English it is not like that.

Hola mamàs , papàs i tothom!
A la fi la unitat 1 està acabada. Ara començaré l'avaluació de la unitat 0 o starter i unitat 1. Vos record aquí el que els infants han de saber. També el nivell és diferent a 1r i 2n. A 1r tot és més d'escoltar i parlar, escriuen molt poquet però han de reconèixer les paraules principals. A 2n apart del que he dit a 1r  també han de saber escriure el vocabulary bàsic.
És difícil perquè acostumen a escriure tal com pronuncien i se'ls ha d'explicar que en anglès això no és així.

1st Primary
Colours, days of the week, weather, numbers 1 to 10, objects in the classroom, Can I have a ____? Yes, of course. Thank you! Put it in the Basket. Actions in the class (listen, talk, draw, colour, play, sing).

2nd Primary
Colours, days of the week, numbers 1 to 20, rooms and objects in the House, positions (in, on, under, behind, in frint of, next to), where is ___? He/she is in the____.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

This weekend the students of 1st Primary have two pages from the Activity Book (AB) and study the song. What song? The one in the page 7 (Activity Book) and it is also in the webpage of Tiger Unit 1. We have worked it in the class and it repeats a lot so it is not difficult.

tiger web page (clic here) 

Aquest cap de setmana els/les estudiants de 1r Primària tene 2 pàgines de l'Activity Book (AB) i estudiar la cançó. Quina cançó? La de la pàgina 7 (Activity Book) i està també a la web de Tiger Unitat 1. L'hem treballada a classe i repeteix un munt per això no és difícil.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Games for lerning vocabulary

Hello !
The post you have in this blog from June 29 presents some vocabulary games: PLAY SOME GAMES! English for the little children.
 You can find the topics we are working with in 1st _classroom objects_ and 2nd _rooms in the house_ . They can do level 1 and also level 2 because they are easy.

Teniu un post en aquest blog de dia 29 de juny que presenta alguns jocs de vocabulary: PLAY SOME GAMES! English for the little children.
Podeu trobar-hi els tòpics que estam treballant a 1r _objectes de la classe_ i a 2n _les habitacions de la casa_ . Poden fer els nivells 1 i 2 perquè són fàcils.

NOTA: al llibre surten més habitacions i més coses que als jocs.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Hello students and families!

This is the first post I am writing this year, although we have been working for more than a month until now.

All the things you can find here from the other years are still useful for you. There are videos, songs and games to practise English and I hope you like them.

Hola estudiants i famílies!
Aquest és el primer post que escric enguany, encara que ja fa mes d'un mes que hem estat fent feina fins al dia d'avui.
Totes les coses que podeu trobar aquí d'altres anys són encara útils. Hi ha videos, cançons i jocs per practicar anglès i esper que vos agradin.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

ten little aeroplanes

Here you are a song to practise counting  up and  down from one to ten:
ten little aeroplanes ( Clic here to go to the video)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

PLAY SOME GAMES! English for little children

Here you are!
This link lets you play some games to learn or revise some vocabulary:
English for little children  (clic here to play the games)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Summer holidays

Hello Famílies!!!
I am sorry because this year I have not been very active in this blog.
It has been a hard year with lots of things to do. But now summer is here and my students are on holidays.
Because summer is long I will post here some things to do when you are bored and you want to practise a little of English because remember that learning a Language needs a lot of practice, if not we forget what we had learned.
I recommend you to use the TIGER webpage  to revise through the stories, songs and games.

Tiger webpage  (clic here to open the webpage)

Hola  famílies!!!
Em sap greu perquè aquest any no he estat molt activa en aquest blog.
Ha estat un any dur amb moltes coses per fer. Però ara l'estiu és aquí i els meus estudiants estan de vacances.
Perquè l'estiu és molt llarg penjaré aquí algunes coses per fer quan estigueu avorrits/des i vulgueu practicar un poc d'anglès perquè recordeu que aprendre una llengua necessita molta pràctica, si no oblidam el que hem après.

Friday, April 29, 2016

This wekend the students of first and second have written in the "agenda" they have to study (unit 4) but some of them did not take the book. Don't worry! They'll take it on Monday and then they will study. But if you can use the web they can start studying with it and if they have the photocopies they have done at home they can also study them!

Have a nice weekend!

Aquest cap de setmana els/les estudiants de 1r i 2n han escrit a l'agenda que han d'estudiar (unitat 4) però alguns/es no se'n varen dur els llibres. No passeu pena! Els se'n duran el dilluns i llavors estudiaran. Però si podeu usar internet poden començar a estudiar amb la web i si tenen les fotocòpies que han fet a casa també les poden estudiar!

Bon cap de setmana!

Friday, April 1, 2016

I Can Sing a Rainbow - Rainbow song - Color song - Nursery Rhymes with l...

And now another version. It is more difficult and complete.

English Nursery Rhymes Children Songs - The Rainbow Song - Animation Rhymes

I want to dedicate this song specially to Aynara.
I also hope all my students will like it. :-)

Friday, March 18, 2016


Hello children and families!

Now we don't have more English classes until after Easter holidays. I have said to the children they have to take their books to the house to study the vocabulary in unit 4. We have not finished it and they do not have to do any pages in the book, but they can study the words, the story and the song and if the food is from plants or animals.
You can use the webpage of Tiger for listening to the words, story and song because in the book you do not have all these.
If you have any question you can ask me here or better in the "agenda". 

Hola nins i nines i famílies!
Ara no tenim més classes d'anglès fins després de les vacances de Pasqua. He dit als nins/es que han de dur-se'n els llibres a casa per estudiar el vocabulari de la unitat 4. No l'hem acabada i no han de fer cap pàgina del llibre, però poden estudiar les paraules, la historieta i la cançó i si el menjar ve de plantes o d'animals.
Podeu usar la pàgina web de Tiger per escoltar les paraules, la historieta i la cançó perquè al llibre no teniu tot això.
Si teniu alguna pregunta la me podeu demanar aquí o millor  a l'agenda.


Monday, March 14, 2016

a game about food

crocodile game 

1st & 2nd Primary

Hello students and famílies!
We are studying unit 4: in 1st _ the food and where we get it from and in 2nd_ games and the parts of the school and what we can or not do in each one.
Last weekend they all had to do one page of a photocopy and next weekend they must do the other page.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Unit 3 1st & 2nd Primary

A new year and here we are going on and learning lots of things.
I have given or I will give you a new user and password for the webpage of TIGER, because the other does not always work well, so you can listen and read and play games to improve your English.
IMPORTANT when you use the user and password I give you, you do not have to register or then we have problems!
Now in  1st we are studying the familiy and in 2nd the clothes.
Remember you also have games (posts in November: English for Little Children) .

Hola una altra vegada!
Un nou any i aquí estam continuant i aprenent un munt de coses.
Us he donat o donaré un nou usuari i contrasenya per a la web de Tiger, perquè l'altra no funciona sempre bé, així podeu escoltar i llegir i jugar jocs per millorar el vostre anglès.
Ara a 1r estam estudiant la família i a 2n la roba.
Recordau que també teniu jocs (als posts de novembre: English for little children).
IMPORTANT quan empreu l'usuari i contrasenya que jo us don, no us heu de registrar o llavors tenim problemes!