Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sing Along with Debbie and Friends, ep. 1

Hello! Debbie is a lady from the USA who sings songs for children and during this confinement she has offered some "concerts" from home. It is quite long, half an hour, and you may not understand all the songs but you can just listen pieces, you can choose the ones you like! 

Hola!Debbie és una senyora dels Estats Units qui canta per a nins i nines i durant aquest confinament ha ofert alguns "concerts" des de casa seva. És bastant llarg, mitja hora, i potser no entendreu totes les cançons però podeu escoltar només trossos, podeu escollir les que vos agradin!

Hello! Debbie is a lady from the USA who sings songs for children and during this confinement she has offered some "concerts" from home. It is quite long, half an hour, and you may not understand all the songs but you can just listen pieces, you can choose the ones you like! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Jump, Run and Shout! | Action song for kids | The Singing Walrus

Here you are a song to learn words about actions amd also to move yourself! Enjoy!

                     actions | Laia's TEFL corner

Debbie & friends _ opposites

 Here you are a video with opposite words ( paraules contràries, encara que algunes com father / mother jo diria que són complementàries, no contraries).
Can you write the list of opposites that appear in the video? 
Example: high - low

Debbie & friends_ opposites


Thursday, May 21, 2020

TV in English

Hello! I remember you that on Thursdays you have a TV programme to learn English. It has a lot of contentes and some of them are difficult for our students but today for example they have shown a video of a school with its parts and that's ok for the 2nds, not the sentences but just watch and listen .

Hola! Record que els dijous teniu un programa per aprendre English. Té un munt de continguts i alguns són difícils per als nostres estudiants però avui per exemple han mostrat un vídeo d'una escola i les sevesparts i això va bé per als 2ns, no les frases però tan sols mirar i escoltar.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hello again! Here you are a funny video to dance with sea animals

Move like sea animals

dibuix sobre un vídeo

Hello! Marcos Martínez liked the video I posted last week and he has drawn this picture you can see here

2nd Primary week 18-24 May

Hello boys and girls!
This week I have sent you a mail through your tutors-teachers with a link to a webpage: It may be difficult for somebody so don't worry and do what you can. There are a lot of activities that can be done online, you don't have to send me anything back, just practise.
A big hug!!!

Hola nins i nines!
Aquesta setmana he enviat a travès de les tutores un mail amb un enllaç a una pàgina web: Pot ser difícil per  a alguns/es així que no vos preocupeu i feis el que pogueu. Hi ha moltes activitats que es poden fer en línia, no m'heu d'enviar res a mi, només heu de practicar.
Una forta abraçada!!!

Ànims! En sortirem d'aquesta!

1st Primary Week 18-24 May

This week I send you some worksheets to work . If you cannot print, don't worry, just copy the words on a paper/ notebook and draw.
Yesterday I sent them to your tutors-teachers and they will send them forward to you, probably today.

Remember you have the web page of Oxford to listen to the songs, chants and stories and play games.

(Aquesta setmana vos envii unes fitxes per fer feina. Si no podeu imprimir, no vos preocupeu, només copiau les paraules a un paper/llibreta i dibuxau. Ahir les vaig enviar a les vostres tutores i elles les vos reenviaran, probablement avui. Recordau que teniu la pàgina web d'Oxford per escoltar cançons, historietes i jugar als jocs.)

A big hug!!! (Una gran abraçada!!!)

Ànims! En sortirem d'aquesta!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hello! Good morning!
I want to thank you  for all the mails you are sending me.  I don't answer one by one because I can spend all day doing that but I look at them and they give me the force to continue with my work in the distance. Don't worry about the tasks I give you, you do what you can and if you want to send me something it's ok, but if you can't , don't worry and if you can't print the images, just do what you can on a paper or online.
May the force be with you!

Translation (Traducció):

Hola! Bon dia!
Vul donar-vos les gràcies per tots els mails que m'estau enviant. No contest d'un en un perquè em puc passar tot el dia però els mir i em donen força per continuar amb la meva feina en la distància. No vos preocupeuper les tasques que vos don, feis el que pogueu i si voleu enviar-me alguna cosa està bé, però si no podeu, no passeu pena i si no podeu imprimis lesimatges, només feis el que pogueu a un paper o online.
Què la força estigui amb vosaltres!

Monday, May 11, 2020


Videos about the weather

And one with the days of the week

Task for the week



He he he! I was joking a little...

Today I am going to give you videos about the weather and I give you a proposal:

(Avui vos donaré uns vídeos sobre el temps que fa i vos don una proposta)

*During one week, write yhe day of the week and the number and what's the weather like that day

(Durant una setmana, escriu el dia de la setmana i el número i quin temps fa aquest dia).

Here you are an example:
Sunday 10. It's windy, cloudy and rainy.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


If you can watch a video to remember the days in English, then you can try to unscramble (ordenar) these groupsof letters to write the days and then write them in order:

T s e d a u y

h u T r s y a d

d M n o a y

W d n s d e e a y

u  r  t S a d y a

y a d n u S

r F i d y a

Head and shoulders and exercise

A song to remember parts of the body and to exercise yourself.
Here you are a game about clothes and colours. It is also in the symbaloo where you have more games.