Tuesday, May 19, 2020

1st Primary Week 18-24 May

This week I send you some worksheets to work . If you cannot print, don't worry, just copy the words on a paper/ notebook and draw.
Yesterday I sent them to your tutors-teachers and they will send them forward to you, probably today.

Remember you have the web page of Oxford to listen to the songs, chants and stories and play games.

(Aquesta setmana vos envii unes fitxes per fer feina. Si no podeu imprimir, no vos preocupeu, només copiau les paraules a un paper/llibreta i dibuxau. Ahir les vaig enviar a les vostres tutores i elles les vos reenviaran, probablement avui. Recordau que teniu la pàgina web d'Oxford per escoltar cançons, historietes i jugar als jocs.)

A big hug!!! (Una gran abraçada!!!)

Ànims! En sortirem d'aquesta!!!

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