Sunday, October 19, 2014

Days of the Week Song (American English)

Hello! Here you have a song to learn the days of the week. It is in American English, so they write "favorite" and in British English they write "favourite".
Don't get confused because the song starts with Sunday (diumenge) and they say it is the 1st day of the week and for us it is the last day because we start the week with Monday (dilluns).
Watch! They write the days of the week with the first letter a capital letter, we don't.

Hola! Aquí teniu una cançó per aprendre els dies de la setmana. ës en anglès americà, per això escriuen "favorite" i en anglès britànic escriuen "favourite".
No us embulleu perquè la cançó comença amb Sunday (diumenge) i ells diuen que és el 1r dia de la setmana i per a nosaltres és el darrer dia perquè nosaltres començam la setmana amb Monday (dilluns).
Vigilau! Escriuen els dies de la setmana amb la primera lletra majúscula, nosaltres no.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hello again!!!

   Hello parents and children,
  I've been very busy with the beginning of this school year that has been very messy and also with personal things that are very important for me now.
Here I am again to help you and give you some information. I am going to start with infantil: today I have given (and I'll continue this in the following days) two CDs to the boys and girls (4 & 5 years old). One CD has the songs that we learn in class related to stories in the books of Robby Rabbit 1 (4 years) and Robby Rabbit 2 (5 years). The other CD is a CD Rom for the computer and it can be used to play games in the computer to review the vocabulary and the stories.
This year the time that the 4 and 5 years old children will have English has been increased from one session to one session and a half.

The 3 years old children will have a new book, its title is Splash! We have not started to use it.
Thanks for your interest and for helping your sons and daughters!

Hola pares i mares, nins i nines!
He estat molt ocupada amb aquest començament de curs que ha sigut molt embullós i també amb coses personals que són molt importants per a mi ara.
Aquí estic una altra vegada per ajudar-vos i donar-vos un poc d'informació. Començaré amb infantil: avui he donat (i continuaré en els propers dies) dos CDs als infants de 4 i 5 anys.  Un CD té les cançons que aprenem a classe relacionades amb les histories de Robby Rsabbit 1 (4 anys) i Robby Rabbit 2 (5 anys). L'altre CD és un CDRom per a l'ordinador i pot ser emprat per jugar jocs a l'ordinador per revisar el vocabulary i les historietes.

Enguany el temps que els de 3 i 4 anys tindran anglès ha estat augmentat d'una sessió a una sessió i mitja.
A tres anys els infants tindran un llibre nou. El títol és Splash! Encara no hem començat a usar-lo.
Gràcies pel vostre interès i per ajudar als vostres fills i filles!               

Saturday, August 30, 2014

So so happy _ A Debbie and friends video_

I think that what you like most is watching song videos, so here you have one from Debbie and Friends in tne middle of the ocean. I love these videos.
You can listen and at the same time do the actions they sing: dance, clap your hands, play, sing, jump, make a sound. And there are a  lot of animals you can learn: fish, octopus, crab, whale, dolphin, turtles, birds and a treasure with funny musical instruments.

Crec que el que us agrada més és mirar vídeos de cançons, així que aquí teniu un de Debbie i Amics emmig de l'oceà. M'encanten aquests vídeos.
Podeu escoltar i al mateix temps fer les accions que canten: ballar, fer mamballetes, jugar, cantar, saltar,  fer un crit. I hi ha un caramull d'animals que pots aprendre: peixos, pop, cranc, balena, dolfí, tortugues, ocells i un tresor amb instruments musicals divertits.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Let It Go - Frozen - Alex Boyé (Africanized Tribal Cover) Ft. One Voice ...

Hello everyone!
I like very much music and I know some of my students like the song "Let it go _ Frozen" very much, so here you are two different videos of it.
Do you like singing? Can you sing like the children in the video? I Can't!!!

Hola a tothom!
M'agrada molt la música i sé que a alguns dels meus estudiants els agrada molt la cançó "Let it go _Frozen", així que aquí en teniu dos videos diferents.
T'agrada cantar? Saps cantar com els nins i nines del vídeo? Jo no!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

flash mob _ airport

And one more video just to have fun and enjoy music abd dancing!

Happy -sing and dance around the world-

Hello! Thisvideo of the song : "Happy" (which is one of the first words you learn in English or at least one of the first I usually teach to my students) takes you around the world singing and dancing. I hope it makes you HAPPY

Saturday, August 2, 2014

ABC... let's read!

Hello! Today let's read a little... first some vocabulary with all the letters of the ABC: 

 And now one about fruits and what happens to them:

And a page where you can find more online books, like this one: I Need My Monster, if you are not afraid of monsters! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Funny games for children!

Today I remember you a link to a webpage with games to have fun and learn English!

Avui us record un enllaç a una pàgina web amb jocs per divertir-se i aprendre anglès!

 English for Little Children
(Clic on the link to go to the page: Clicau a l'enllaç per anar a l pàgina)

Friday, July 11, 2014


Hello everyone!
One way to learn English and have fun is watching the Magic English videos. You can find them in Youtube as well as buy them if you are interested in, but it is not necessary. The children from three years on can watch these videos. For Infants 3 to 5 I recommend the first five titles but they can also watch more, although they get more and more difficult. For 1st Primary, they can start in number 1, if they like them, so they revise things they should already know. And I recommend for them chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and they can continue more if they enjoy them. For 2nd Primary, the same as for 1st and they go on with numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15... as much as they like. Happy summer!!!

 Hola a tothom!
Una manera d'aprendre anglès i divertir-se és mirar els videos de Magic English. Els podeu trobar a Youtube així com comprar-los si us interessa, però no és necessari. Els infants des de 3 anys en endavant poden mirar aquests vídeos. Per als infants de 3 a 5 anys recoman els 5 primers títols però poden mirar-ne més, encara que es fan més i més difícils. Per a 1r de Primària, poden començar pel número 1, si els agrada, així revisen coses que ja haurien de saber. I recoman per a ells els capítols 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 i 10 i poden continuar més si en gaudeixen. Per a 2n de Primària, el mateix que per a primer i anar endavant amb els números 11, 12, 13, 14, 15...tant com els agradi. Feliç estiu!!!

Magic English (clic here to watch the videos)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

1st Primary exams

Next Tuesday 10 June or Thursday 12 June, the students of 1rst Primary will have an exam of units 4 & 5.

Els proper dimarts 10 de juny o dijous 12 de juny, els alumnes de 1r de Primària tindran un control  dels temes 4 i 5.

What do they have to study?

Què han d'estudiar?

The jungle animals (els animals de la selva), actions (accions), the cowboy's clothes (la roba del vaquer), feelings (el que sentim),  I can... (jo puc/sé...), Look at my... (Mira el meu/la meva...), I'm (jo estic), colours (colors).

Old MacDonald

The last unit in the book of 5 years is about Old Mac Donald's Farm, so here you are a video with a song about it:

video Old MacDonald   (clic to watch the video)


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Exams 2nd Primary

Next Tuesday 3rd June there is a written exam for 2nd Primary students.

What will be the exam about?
Unit 4: vocabulary _food; differences country / city_; structures _I like.../ I don't like..._
Unit 5: vocabulary _pet animals; rooms; structures _I've got...; The ... is in the ... _

Dimarts 3 de juny hi ha un control escrit per als alumnes de 2n de Primària.

Sobre què serà l'examen?
Unitat 4: vocabulari _aliments; diferències camp / ciutat; estructures _M'agrada.../ No m'agrada..._

Unitat 5: vocabulari _animals (mascotes); habitacions; estructures _Jo tenc...; El ... està al/ a la ..._

Saturday, May 24, 2014

2nd Primary exams

Hello Families!
We have written in the agenda of the students in 2nd Primary some pages they have to study for an exam that we will do during next lessons. These pages refer to the vocabulary and expressions in lessons 4 & 5. The exam will be an oral exam.

Hola Famílies!
Hem escrit a l'agenda dels estudiants de 2n de Primària algunes pàgines que han d'estudiar per a un contril que  farem a les properes classes. Aquestes pàgines es refereixen al vocabulari i expressions de les unitats 4 i 5. L'examen serà oral (això vol dir que no escriuran sinó que hauran de pronunciar i reconèixer les paraules i expressions).

VOCABULARY: food, city and country, animals, rooms in a house.
Expressions:I like..., I don't like..., I've got...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

I post here another video. This one is about Snow White. The story I told you was something different from the original and this based on the original story. I think it is fantastic, what about you?

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Debbie and Friends

Hello! Before Easter we had a storytelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

Here you have a video with a song that tells this story. I hope you like it!

Monday, April 21, 2014

storytelling _ Setmana Cultural_

During our Cultural Week we do special activities. One of them was a storytelling in English. I told the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to the 1st Primary students and Snow White and the Seven Ecologist Little Dwarfs to the 2nd Primary students. Here there are some pictures of one group. Clic on the link to watch them.

video story telling

Hello! During the Cultural week we had special activities and one of them was storytelling. I told Goldilocks and the Three Bears to the 1st Primary students and here you have a piece of it. Clic on the link:
Hello everybody!
I have not worked in my blog for a long time because I had problems with my computer and I have been very busy. Now I am on holidays and I will post some things we have done during the last month so you can see them. I hope you like them!

Hola a tothom! 
No  he fet feina al meu blog durant molt de temps perquè he tengut problemes amb el meu ordinador i he estat molt ocupada. Ara estic de vacacions i penjaré algunes coses que hem fet durant el darrer mes i  així les podreu veure. Esper que us agradin!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Unit 3

Hello everyone!
This week we have the "controls" of unit 3. 
1st Primary
Unit 3 "The Enormous Carrot"
Vocabulary of the family
The Mouse Aerobic song
Numbers 1 to 10 (Dictation of numbers)

2nd Primary
Unit 3 "What a mess!"
Vocabulary of hobbies
I like / I don't like
Days of the week.

Friday, February 7, 2014

EXAMS 1st & 2nd Primary

Next week ( Tuesday for 2nds and Thursday for 1sts) there are exams of the unit 2.
La propera setmana (dimarts per als 2ns i dijous per als 1rs) hi ha controls de la unitat 2.
The students  must know:
Els/les alumnes han de saber:

1st Primary:

Toys:  kite, bike, scooter, skateboard, ball, doll,  computer game, paints.
Colours: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink, purple/violet, brown, indigo.
Story 2 : Fly, kite, fly! (photocopy/webpage)
Rainbow, it's sunny, it's raining.

2nd Primary
Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
Parts of the body/face: eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, cheeks, hair, body, arms, legs, head, tail.
Long, short, small/little, big.
I've got/ I haven't got...  long hair.
Whale, swordfish, shark, fish, octopus, seahorse, sea lion, mermaid, turtle.
Story 2: Neon the Fish. (photocopy/webpage)

Remember you also have the webpage to study:
Recordau que  també teniu la pàgina web per estudiar:

Saturday, February 1, 2014

WEEKEND 1-2 February 2014

I want to explain something here because it always causes misunderstandings. When we write "study" in the "agenda", that does not mean that there is an exam, but that the students have to study something -a song, vocabulary...- because it is necessary that they study little by little: one day one thing and another day another thing. When they have to study for an exam, we write "exam" in the "agenda".
This weekend the 2nd  Primary students have to start studying the story 2: Neon the fish (the 1st half of the story). They have a photocopy but it is better if they can study it through the webpage of Big Surprise! 2.
The students of 1st Primary do not have homework, so they can review and play games in the webpage Big Surprise! 1 or others.

Vull explicar aquí un a cosa perquè sempre causa malentesos. Quan escrivim "estudiar" a l'agenda, això no significa que hi ha un examen, sinó que els alumnes han d'estudiar alguna cosa -una cançó, vocabulari...-perquè és necessari que estudiin poc a poc: un dia una cosa i un altre dia una altra cosa. Quan han d'estudiar per a un control, escrivim "exam" a l'agenda.
Aquest cap de setmana els/les alumnes de 2n de Primària han de començar a estudiar la història 2: Neon el peix (la 1ª meitat de la història). Tenen una fotocòpia però és millor si la poden estudiar mitjançant la pàgina web de Big Surprise!2.
Els/les alumnes de 1r de Primària no tenen deures, així que poden repassar i jugar els jocs de l pàgina web de Big Surprise!1 o d'altres.

Here you have a link to a webpage:

I hope you like it!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Kite song

The homework for the students of 1st Prinmary this weekend is to learn the song in unit 2: the kite song. In this song we have some colours to learn and three expressions. Some parents have asked for the book but to learn the songs what you need is the CD songs (nº 9) that you should have at home. You can also use de Big Surprise! webpage Listen and repeat is the way to learn the songs. 

Els deures per als estudiants de 1r Primària aquest cap de setmana són aprendre la cançó de la unitat 2: la cançó de l'estel. En aquesta cançó tenim alguns colors que aprendre i tres expressions. Alguns pares/mares han demanat el llibre però per aprendre les cançons el que necessitau és el CD de cançons que hauríeu de tenir a casa. També podeu emprar la pàgina web de Big Surprise! Escoltar i repetir és la manera d'aprendre les cançons.

Here you are the lyrics./ Aquí teniu la lletra.

I've got a new kite
It's pink and blue.
It's green, red and yellow.
And purple too.
Fly, kite!
Fly up in the sky.
Fly, kite!
Fly up in the sky.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

1st & 2nd Primary

Hello! The homework for this weekend was to check the webpage of the book: Big Surprise! On Thursday or Friday, depending on the group, I gave you a paper with the instructions to use the webpage, the user and the password. There you have the songs and stories in the book and lots of games to practise English.
If you have problems or you loose these instructions, please contact with me through the agenda or the tutor teacher. Thank you!

Hola! Els deures per a aquest cap de setmana eren comprovar la pàgina web del llibre: Big Surprise! El dijous o el divendres, depenent del grup, us vaig donar un paper amb les instruccions per usar la pàgina web, l'usuari i la contrasenya. Allà hi teniu les cançons i historietes del llibre i un mjnt de jocs per practicar l'anglès.
Si teniu problemes o perdeu aquestes instruccions, per favor posau-vos en contacte anb mi mitjançant l'agenda o la mestra tutora. Gràcies!

Happy birthday

Hello! This is a funny HAPPY BIRTHDAY song that I want to dedicate especially to AYNARA.
A lot of kisses and hugs from Aina 

And here is another video for her and also for my students.
I hope you all like it!

Saturday, January 4, 2014


To learn the days of the week and the months of the year.
Per aprendre els dies de la setmana i els mesos de l'anys.


A video to learn the colours (about half an hour).
 Un vídeo per aprendre els colors (devers mitja hora).

Friday, January 3, 2014

song: Head and shoulders, knees and toes

song: SWEET DREAMS (Goodnight song)


Hello everybody!
A new year is here and I want to wish you Happy Year 2014!

Last day of school we had a Christmas concert and then we had some hot chocolate and cakes. I recorded some videos but I don't know how to hang them here. 
I have to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! because the boys and girls in 1st & 2nd Primary studied the Christmas songs in English and they performed them very very well in the concert.
I was very happy to see how they sang: congratulations!

Hola tothom!
Un nou any és aquí i us vull desitjar Feliç Any 2014!

El darrer dia d'escola vàrem tenir un concert de Nadal i llavors vàrem prendre xocolata calenta i coques. Vaig gravar uns vídeosperò no sé com penjar-los aquí.
He de dir GRÀCIES, GRÀCIES, GRÀCIES! perquè els nins i nines de 1r & 2n Primària varen estudiar les nadales en anglès i varen actuar molt molt bé al concert.
Vaig estar molt contenta de veure com varen cantar: enhorabona!