Hello dear students of 2nd, 3rd and families,
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Here I post some videos for you so if you are bored you can watch them.
I hope you like them!
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Here I post some videos for you so if you are bored you can watch them.
I hope you like them!
Hello boys and girls!
After you study for the exam of unit 1, you can check if you have learnt it by doing the worksheets I have put in your notebook English 3rd in LIVEWORKSHEETS.
Hola nins i nines!
Després d'estudiar per a l'examen de la unnitat 1, podeu comprovar si ho heu après fent les fitxes que he posat al vostre quadern English 3rd al LIVEWORKSHEETS.
Hello students of 3rd Primary!
Next week we have the exam of unit 1: I like animals.
From the activity book you can study pages 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and when we do them 10, 11.Also the picture dictionary pages 61 (1st part) & 62 and All About Grammar page 69.
Here you are a copy of two pages from the class book to help you study.(Aquí teniu una còpia de dues pàginesdel class book per ajudar-vos a estudiar. Esper que es puguin llegir!)
Si accediu a la part digital teniu el llibre digital per estudiar també. Són les mateixes pàgines.
We have started the book of 2nd, All About Us 2. In the unit 1 we study some more actions and numbers from 20 to 30. If you don't know the numbers from 1 to 20 you also have to study them.
I will post here some videos to learn all this.
Hem començat el llibre de 2n, All About Us 2. A la unitat 1 estudiam algunes accions més i núrmeos des del 20 al 30. Si no sabeu els números de l´1 al 20 també els heu d'estudiar.
(I can't find a song only up to 30, so here you are this up to 100)
Hello boys and girls of 3rd!
Now we start the book of 3rd. The unit 1 is about animals in damger of extinction.
We are studying the names and ask and answer questions about them.
To start some simple questions like:
-Are they small?
-No, they aren't.
-Are hey big?
-Yes, they are.
Remember: at the end of the activity book you have the Picture dictionary and All about grammar to study the vocabulary and the expressions.
3rdA, B and D for homework you can do Activity book: pages 4, 62 (only animals), 69 (only exercise 1).
Here you are a video of animals in the jungle
And now just for fun: We are going on a lion hunt
Hello! This is just to remember you that you (3rd A, B, D) have a notebook of English in Liveworksheets.
Hola! Això és només per recordar-vos que teniu (3rd A, B, D) teniu un quadern d'anglès a Liveworksheets.
You can do pages 1, 2, 3. I have seen that some of you already have done. An applause!
Podeu fer les pàgines 1, 2, 3.He vist que alguns/es ja ho heu fet. Un aplaudiment!
Also a few students have another notebook: English starter, to revise what you failed in the exams.
També uns pocs estudiants teniu un altre quadern: English starter, per revisarallò que vareu fallar als exàmens.
We have finished the unit 5 of All AboutUs 2. In this unit there are names of pets. Here the vowels have disappeared, can you complete the names of these pets:
Hola! Hem acabat la unitat 5 de All About Us 2. En aquesta unitat hi ha noms de mascotes. Aquí les vocals ha desaparegut, pots completar els noms d'aqueses mascotes:
d_g c_t b_rd p_rr_t
h_mst_r t_rtl_ r_bb_t f_sh
Now can you complete: What the pets can do?
Use these words: swim, run, sing, fly, climb.
Hello students and families!
We are studying some animals: the pets, animals that you can have at home and they are your "friends".
We are also learning some actions they can do or they can't do.
Hola estudiants i famílies!
Estam estudiant alguns animals: les mascotes, animals que pots tenir a casa i que són els teus "amics".
També aprenem algunes accions que ells poden fer o ells no poden fer.
Here you are some videos to practise the listening and the pronunciation.
Aquí teniu alguns vídeos per practicar l'escolta i la pronunciació.
Hello boys and girls of 2nd!
We are studying pets (mascotes) and actions they can do.
Here you are videos to learn the names of these animals and how to say them.
Hello boys and girls of 3rd!
We have started the unit 5 of the book of 2nd in which we study animals in a farm and also parts of the animals.After this unit we will start the book of 3rd with a unit that is about animals too.
We have to learn the expression It's got ... = It has got... (Té...)
Next week we have an exam only of VOCABULARY (units 4 & 6, pages 38,39, 44, 60, 61, 66).
Videos to practise the animals
Remember chicken és pollastre i hen és gallina.
Hello Students of 3rd Primary!
Remember we are learning clothes and the expressions:
I'm wearing...
He's wearing...
She's wearing...
Can you write the clothes or objects with these groups of letters?
(Solutions: sandals, swimsuit, shorts, skirt, cap, t-shirt, sunglasses, suncream.)
Now remember these words:
hot - hungry - thirsty - scared
He's hot /She's hot - Ell/ella té calor.
He's hungry - Ell té gana.
She's thirsty -ella té fred.
He's scared - ell té por, està espantat.
Hello boys and girls of 2nd Primary!
We are back after the holidays and in this blog I will post videos, documents, games to help you study English. You can leave your comments, if you like.
Now we are studying with the book All About Us 1, because last year we didn't finish it. We are in unit 4: Toys and prepositions. Here you are some videos to revise.
Hola nins i nines de 2n de Primària!
Estam de tornada després de les vacacions i en aquest blog publicaré vídeos, documents, jocs per ajudar-vos a estudiar anglès. Podeu deixar els vostres comentaris, si voleu.
Ara estam estudiant amb el llibre All About Us 1 perquè l'any passat no el vàrem acabar. Estam a la unitat 4: Juguetes i preposicions.
Aquí teniu uns vídeos per repassar.
TOYS by PinkFong (clic on TOYS)
We are learning the question: WHERE IS THE _____(ball)?
It's in/on/ under/behind the box/table.
We have started a new school year, a special one; but apart from trying to be healthy we are going to work as much as possible and this blog is a tool to help you learn English.
For my students of 3rd Primary I post here what we have done these first days: revision of colurs, days and months, the weather and questions with their answers.
If you have not finished this in the classroom, you must finish it at home and also study it.
Hola estudiants i famílies!
Hem començat un nou any escolar, un d'especial; però apart d'intentar estar sans treballarem tan com sigui possible i aquest blogés una eina per ajudar-vos a aprendre anglès.
Per al meu alumnat de 3r Primària public aquí el que hem fet aquests primers dies: repàs de colors,dies i mesos, el temps i preguntes amb les seves respostes.
Si no heu acabat això a classe, ho heu d'acabar a casa i també estudiar-ho.
Si un color és clar podem posar LIGHT davant i si és fosc: DARK.
Exples: light blue, dark blue
My name is ____
How are you?
I'm fine/happy/sad…
I'm ____ years
My favourite __is___